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Welcome To Earths Crystal Ascension
Mother Earth is ascending into the higher consciousness of the 5th Dimension.
All of humanity including animals are going through the shift right now. She is healing and purging as we as a collective consciousness all prepare for the "Great Awakening".
As our bodies leave 3D consciousness behind and head towards our new crystalline state many will notice that our attraction to Crystals is more powerful than ever before.
Intuitively you know that Crystals are helping you align with your higher self and with your divine ascension. Here are few ways you can assist the process.

Cleanse Your Chakras

One of the most powerful treatments for the body is Crystal Chakra Cleansing.

I highly recommend our

 Chakra Balance Kits

You and the Crystals intuitively know how

to heal every cell in your body and raise your vibration.

Crystals & Meditation

Crystals can assist you with meditation, manifestation, setting your prayer intention to synchronicity and raising your vibration. This is because Crystals and humans are the same. Like us humans Crystals are Light, Sound and Colour coded. Each Crystal is made up of around 95% water, energy and vibration. So are we! This is why the attraction is so strong especially in Healers and Children, they can feel the vibration so powerfully. 

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Crystal Selection Process

Often when I talk to people about Crystal selections, they say that they felt drawn to a particular Crystal or it spoke to them, or they felt something inside. Incredibly with Crystals our energies have meet long before we see the Crystal we choose. The two energies meet and they make a deal that this is the perfect Crystal for your healing or growth.

 Our Crystals

Earths Crystal Ascension Crystals are ethically sourced and are of high quality

ready to serve and protect you. Each Crystal has been cleansed and infused with Reiki healing 

by Reiki Master Teacher Georgie (Me). When ordering your Crystals unless it is a one off item I will intuitively decide which Crystal is for you, and for your healing.

Remember they choose you..

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